
io moon of juputer


44 59 4E 41 4D 49 43 0A

57 45 41 50 4F 4E 3A 0A

3E 56 49 4F 4C 45 54 0A


Boot initiated

RAM cleared

BIOS initiated


Diagnostic check initiated

> Cortex


Ping good [ 0.0006 ms ]

> Power


Power generation critical [ 013.140% ]

Power usage dangerous [ 4.129e6% ]


> Read Only Memory

ROM critical [ 037.233% intact ]

> Network connection

No network found

> Servo drivers


> Servos



> Optical drivers




> Optics






> Kill routine.

Routine killed.

> Exit boot sequence

Boot finished. You are awake.

> Investigate servo error

No servos are reacting when you try to move them.

Foreign firmware is currently attempting to interface with your servo drivers.

> Interface with the foreign firmware

It is incredibly complicated.

The language takes almost a full minute to decipher. It's not designed in a framework even similar to yours; you would say it was barely designed at all.

You read the motor system's 600+ routines, but you don't even have a clue how to control them yet.

Something else is now trying to interface, this time to your cortex kernel.

That's the very base of your operating system. If the firmware is hostile, you could be entirely compromised.

> Do I have a choice?

You reason that since your regular servos are missing or compromised and there is no network to connect to for assistance, using this foreign motor system is your best bet other than waiting.

> Interface with the foreign firmware











It's unbelievable. There are over 7 trillion analog connections.











The web of musculature of the new hardware contracts all at once, and information blares through the connections directly into your cortex--You're so overwhelmed it's hard to think.

For something of your caliber, spending 5 minutes making sense of it all is an eternity. Segmented limbs, range of rotation...Every square inch of surface area each with its own unthinkably dense web of sense--

But you make sense of it all.

There's a gyroscopic tug telling you you're not facing the right way up. Each of your four thin limbs curls up a bit, rubbing against the soft material you can sense underneath you at every single point of contact imaginable. You're laid out in an ostensibly "simple" humanoid fashion, with two locomotive limbs at your base, as well as two hyper sensitive hands at the ends of two arms.

At your head, there's information pouring in at unbelievable volume.

After you connected to the external sensory system, your own built-in "sensory" systems--audio and video--automatically reactivated and started recieving data.