
io moon of juputer

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> Open eyes

Light immediately overwhelms you, and you squeeze your eyes involuntarily shut again.

The ambient throbbing pain in your head sears forward to where you finally notice it, and you bring your hand to cover your face.

> Sit up

You make your first concerted motion with your new muscles and heave yourself upwards.

Adjusting to the unbalanced and light weight of your frame, you come to a wobbly sitting position.

> Open eyes again

Involuntarily squinting, you open your eyes again.

The amount of information is difficult to handle at first, even for you, and the bright light and headache don't help.

Looking around, you find yourself in a plain room. Three walls are bare save for big discolored rectangles where there presumably used to be furniture. One wall sports a mirror. There's a shuttered closet door on another wall, adjacent to a door through which only darkness is visible. The room is lit by sunlight streaming in from the single window above you.

You are sitting on a mattress with no frame, placed directly on the ground in the corner.

Looking down at the mattress, you see your own body beneath you.

> Examine myself

The frame you have commandeered is undeniably human, and presently nude.

You have warm bronze skin. Your legs are long and thin and frame a penis, seemingly at odds with the small breasts on your chest. You can see the bumps of ribs on your torso.

> Am I malnourished?

You run your hand over your ribs. Your arms feel light and weak, but...

You realize that you have no frame of reference.

Any metrics you are judging the weight and resistance of your limbs by are in relation to the servo firmware you just overrode.

> What were the limbs I used to have like?

Information about that is missing from your ROM.

> Stand up

You're still calibrating against your new body, but you manage to push yourself up to a wobbly stand.

Suddenly, your vision dulls and your head feels heavy. A dense sensation overwhelms you, taking your balance. You fall against the wall.

The sensation fades away.

You must be malnourished. Did you lose power to your limbs or vestibular balance system?

> Check reserve power

Power reserve at 21%

> Check stomach capacity?


You find that's not something you can check. You look down at your stomach, still creased as you're folded over against the wall.

> Stand upright again

You find your footing this time. You're standing on the mattress, and as you look down you see a pile of colored fabric to the foot of it.

> Take a step

You take your first step.

You feel a little shock as your foot touches the cold wood floor.

The air feels cold against your naked skin. You see dust in the air, revealed by the sun through the window.

The back of your head flares in pain.

You reach your hand up to feel it, and potentially identify the source of the pain. Your fingers brush past your hair to find that the back of your head is entirely bare, as well as smooth and solid.

When you touch the strange flat surface of the back of your skull, the pain triples in intensity. Your body tenses and your hand jumps back.

The pain subsides after a moment.

> Look in the mirror

more to come